Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Day 12- What do I need to let go of?

This is part of the Lenten series #40days40questions 
What do we need to let go of? 

When I sat down to think this morning about this question the above song came to mind for obvious reasons. 

Yes there is emotional stuff - years of bottling stuff in comes to mind, stuff that clogs our mind when you think of this song but when I origninally wrote the question I was thinking more of the practical - are there things that we simply need to get rid of - physically - stuff that's been sitting around and we just simply don't need any more. 

On one Blog I read this 
Action #1: Perform a Clutter Bust (10-45 minutes)
This is hands-down the best way to tidy and declutter a space in a short period of time. You can apply it to just one room at a time (strongly recommended), or if you’re feeling ambitious or particularly over-run with clutter – tackle all the main areas of the home.
Whatever you choose – speed is the key here.
How to clutter-bust your home:
  1. Grab an empty laundry basket.
  2. Choose a room to begin.
  3. Moving quickly – pick up each and every item in that room that does not belong, or is out of place. Place them in the laundry basket.
  4. Every single thing.
  5. Once full, empty the contents of the laundry basket on the dining table or a clear space on the floor.
  6. Sort items into piles – according to where they belong, as well as a pile for rubbish/donations/items that do not belong to you.
  7. Working through one pile at a time, take every item back to its rightful place.
  8. Complete for each pile and whenever you feel the clutter begin to take over your home. - https://slowyourhome.com/21-quick-actions-simplify-life/ 
 We do that physically - and let things go - I do think it's important start - but there are other actions too that might help

A great book I came across a few years back - Ordering your Private world each section of that book mentions something very practical

the introduction states:

Memo to the Disorganized: “If my private world is in order, it will be because I am convinced that the inner world of the spiritual must govern the outer world of activity.” (p. 10) 

Memo to the Disorganized: “If my private world is in order, it will be because I make a daily choice to monitor it’s state of orderliness”. (p. 18)

In terms of orderliness and also freeing up space - what do I need to let go of today?

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