Friday, May 03, 2019

Mission & Ministry - Week 2

Over the course of the next month or so I am teaching / facilitating learning on the Certificate in Christian Studies Course being run by the diocese - This evening was the Second night of the course.  

During the evening the participants looked at Church in the context in which we are living and working

The evening consisted of the following - looking back at what we did for the first week

Praying the collect for mission
Almighty God,
who called your Church to witness
that you were in Christ reconciling the world to yourself: Help us to proclaim the good news of your love,
that all who hear it may be drawn to you;
through him who was lifted up on the cross,
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. 
(BCP 334)

Discussing what comes to mind when we think about Church - this provoked a bit of discussion both  positive thoughts and also the negative side of mission.

Looking at models (images) of Understanding church

The different functions of Church

The Charities Regulator for Ireland is asking us to consider what we do - the Church of Ireland states this:

The principal function of the Parish of ________ of the Church of Ireland  is to support the advancement of the Christian religion by promoting, through the work of the Parish of ________, the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. Being open to and engaging with society as a whole and offering support for those needing help are fundamental to the practical delivery of the benefits of Christianity.  As a result of activity in the pursuit of the advancement of the Christian religion, the Parish of ________ has custody of property and of records, materials and artefacts of significance to the cultural and religious heritage and maintenance of which is undertaken by the Parish of ________ .
We looked at Dulles' Models of Church 5 + 1 which he added in the second edition of his book. There was some discussion about which was most prominent.

We looked at the Marks of Church

One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic

Which in Mission Shaped Church allows us to consider another model (Dimensions of Church) - UP, IN, OUT, OF

UP- Our worship of God
IN - Our Discipleship, our Pastoral Care
OUT - Our outreach to the world
OF - Our catholicity - links to the universal Christian Church (Creeds)

And the looked at the vision of Church as out line in Cork Cloyne and Ross' Charting the Future - models of Church outlined it.

Underpinned by the Five Marks of Mission, our vision is an Inclusive, all-age church • that is a community of disciples following Jesus. • where all people, by virtue of baptism, have the opportunity to engage in ministry in various forms. • that listens. • that is based on relationships, ultimately the relationship with Christ. • that celebrates diversity. • that is rooted in the community and reaches out to the marginalised. • that reforms continually according to the word of God. • that is sharing faith and growing  (page35) 
The fact there is a vision of growth and moving forward - that we are not just going around in circles around the church's year.

We then began to consider the context in which we are living - in Western Europe today by Looking at some of Stuart Murray's Post-Christendom material

"The fourth and twentieth centuries form bookends marking transition points in the history of the church. Just as the fourth century adoption of Christianity by Constantine forced the church to struggle with its self-understanding as the new center of the culture, twentieth century Christians must now struggle to understand the meaning of their social location in a decentered world."
We looked at what Christendom looked like and where we are now

I then mentioned some of my own research recently completed critiquing what may be happening with churches in Ireland as they respond to the Post Christendom era which we are entering.

On the left we see that Church that have little cultural engagement have little effectiveness due to their tendency to simply be cosy clubs - their own rules and and not looking outwards. 

On the other side there is a tendency toward much cultural engagement but then they become 'gimmick church' where there is lack of community, no gospel proclamation and no effectiveness 

At the centre of the graph is a Church that is doing what I could describe as a healthy Church - whether looked at through the lens 5 Marks of Mission, the CCR Models of Church Group vision above, UP, IN OUT Church is calling us to.

I do think that this lens is useful to look at - as every church might begin to fall towards either extreme and maybe needs corrective measures.

My own research seems to find that there are a few reasons for this 

Historical Inhibitors - towards cosy club. 
Lack of Leadership support - either towards cosy Club or gimmick Church.
Implementation Deficit of plans which might lead to healthy church- which then causes falling into either extreme. 

A couple of quotes thrown in at the end - to provide a bit of hope! 

We need not be a despondent, isolationist, grumpy or frightened minority. Nor need we become compliant and conformist, relinquishing our convictions in return for social and cultural acceptability. We can choose to interpret this emerging context as an opportunity to recover our nerve, our soul, our missional identity and our primary allegiance. We can choose to be a creative minority, a prophetic minority and a hopeful minority – a community that unmasks idols, pioneers new possibilities and engenders authentic hope … pointing many others in this direction’. 

The most evangelistic thing the Church can do today is to be the church, to be formed by the Holy Spirit through core practices such as worship, forgiveness, hospitality, {proclamation} and economic sharing into a distinctive people in the world, a new social option, the body of Christ. This is… the witness to God’s reign in the world. [Mission] is neither the individual, private, or interior salvation of individuals nor the Christianisation of entire cultures, but the creation of a people… The church does not really need an evangelistic strategy, the Church is the evangelistic strategy.26 

Almighty God, You have called us through baptism to be your Church in this place. Draw near to us in Cork, Cloyne and Ross as we seek to renew our witness to your gospel; enable us to hear your voice, to know your way, and to do your will, so that, charting a future with confidence under the guidance of your Holy Spirit, we may truly and faithfully be the body of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen