Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Blogette - apres Sunday - The Call of God


On Sunday Morning in both St. Peter's Carrigrohane and Blarney I was preaching on the Call of God and challenging myself and those within the parish to think about God's call. Readings

1 Samuel 3: 1-10, (11-20)John 1: 43-51

Sometimes we hear directly from Jesus ... like our Gospel reading
Sometimes it is in dreams / visions 
Sometimes it’s a friend / family member who presents a God-inspired invitation  ...again like the gospel reading
Sometimes its through the pages of scripture 
Sometimes it's in a Bible message / sermon / thought 
Sometimes it's through reading the Bible ourselves 
Sometimes it is through prayer 
Sometimes its something completely different 

I mentioned ways that sometimes help to hear God's voice 

Bible reading notes, apps, retreats, walks etc... 

On a recent retreat – the sheet which greeted us in the room said this 

When God’s voice is drowned out by incessant clamour, whether inner or outer, in whatever shape or form, then constant dialogue with God becomes impossible.

An inner monologue with myself,
constant chatter with others,
the invasion of the spoken word through the press and television

are all the ever-present realities in my daily life over which I need to exercise come sort of discipline if I am to keep any inner space in which to listen to the Word

May we be able to exercise some sort of discipline in our inner space to listen intently to the Word – to God’s voice and his love for us

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