Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The next stage of the service... Congregation participation

once we have promised By the help of God to do those things which are stipulated in the service The bishop then presents us ..."The candidates" to the people gathered then asks

Is it therefore your will that they should be ordained?

Will you uphold them in this ministry?

This is a crucial part of the service of ordination ... as we recognise the church as the whole body of Christ. As ordinands, soon to be deacons we cannot do ministry by ourselves it without the upholding of those around us. It has to be the prayer of all of us to pray for each other. When we look at the epistles Paul is continually thanking God for those who were supporting him in his ministry.

The Bishop then goes on to say

"Because none of us can bear the weight of this ministry in our own strength, but only by the grace and power of God, let us pray earnestly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on these persons. Let us pray also that God will each day enlarge and enlighten their understanding of the Scriptures, so that they may grow stronger and more mature in their ministry, as they fashion their lives and the lives of the people they serve on the word of God."

As the old saying goes ... "never was a truer word spoken"

By ourselves, its all just good intentions, in my own strength ... mmm... nah.

It has to be by the power of the Holy Spirit, right from day one, whatever I do, whatever I say needs to be guided by God's word ... to be perfectly honest without it ... I mightest well pack bags and go home. Does that mean I'll always get it right? no way hozay. But it does mean I will try, I will learn. It is recognised in the ordination service that we do not know it all - it is a growing thing. Experiences, conversations, encounters with people, sunday mornings ... All contribute to growing stronger and more mature in ministry.

As we come to this section in the service .... Let's pray for the church, pray for the deacons that we would be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the things for which we are commissioned. This has to be the work of the whole church.

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