Thursday, February 26, 2009

Busy - ness and mission

If you were to read the "here's what I am doing" bits of my blog as opposed to the other bits (sermons etc) I have used a word beginning with B quite a bit. 

the word I am refering to is busy ... life is busy, college is busy, everything is busy... but busy isn't necessarily good.  As we go through life things are busy, and it is good to be doing things, yes, but I just wonder if we happen to miss things because we are so busy all the time. 

When was the last time you stopped and looked and listened to God? when was the last time you planned a little bit of space with your loved one? things can get hectic but time out is important. We are all called to have a balance ... surely Jesus, throughout the gospels took time out. 

In college at the moment there are various pressures, the main one at the moment is the final year project. For me the is a box of books to be reading and quoting from, but through it all, I am hoping to gain a bit of a better understanding of mission and what we are about as Christians, what the church is called to be. It was great tonight to get an unexpected email from Edwin, one of the ordinands from Zambia who was ordained last week. Please do pray for him and the other ordinands in Zambia at this time as they are ordained and beginning to serve God in that country. 

Over the course of this lent, I hope to spend a bit more time "out" with God, as well as fitting in all the time needed to get this final year project done. please do pray for me and the other ordinands here in CITI as we all work on our projects and essays. 

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