Thursday, September 05, 2019

Love Languages

Over the course of the past couple of months I've had various conversations with people in the parish and in other places about relationships - marriage, their kids, their parents and so on and as a result I have been mentioning to them a book which I do recommend for anyone

A couple of years back I did a session on the 5 Love languages for teenagers but they are not just for teenagers ... they are for everyone.

Take a look at the quiz below ... in each of the sections - which do you prefer

Tot up which of the sections have the most ticks ...

Mostly A's - Words of affirmation, B's= Quality Time, C's= Gifts, D's= Works of service, E=Physical touch

This is how you receive love. and maybe how you give it. 

However not everyone is like you! ... and maybe your kid, parent, significant other doesn't speak or appreciate what you are trying to say to them. 

Imagine going to outer Mongolia and speaking english - you might not be understood, despite you best intentions - and thinking that you are speaking plainly. 

Maybe you might need to speak the others language! 

That's what Gary Chapman is getting at in his book - the 5 Love languages. It's been very helpful to many people ... Check out the videos below! 

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