Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I don't know if you have ever watched the cult TV series - 24 basically it is an show which follows the adventures of a counter terrorism unit who are trying to defend the US from terrorist intent on blowing up cities, whilst the hero Jack Bower tries to twart their attack. I still have to watch a lot of the show.

Anyway just a quick wee thought of what is going to happen in the next 24 hours ... nothing as exciting as all the hi tech stuff with Jack Bower, but it will undoubtably be a roller coaster ... Finishing of revision for exams, finding out what I know, don't know, then its up early, trinity library for the morn, lunch, tension before exam (my very last exam at TCD DV!) then its a sprint back to college for our last Communion service as a commuinty... and then its ... well CITI is over. How very bizarre ... very strange ... mmm ... 24 little hours

But better get back to the studying now and stop blogging.

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