Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sermon on Sunday 13 January 2007, Bray

Matthew 3:13-17

The Baptism of Jesus

13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. 14John would have prevented him, saying, ‘I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?’ 15But Jesus answered him, ‘Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfil all righteousness.’ Then he consented. 16And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved,* with whom I am well pleased.’


Heavenly Father,

We pray that as we delve into your word today – you would speak to us individually, that you would increase our faith and teach us more about your word. In your name we pray Amen.

It is great to be back with you at the start of this new year.

Today we are looking at the Baptism of Jesus – It is the natural follow on from events which have occurred over the last while

We had advent – the preparation for Christmas, the expectation of Christ coming

We had Christmas day – the Birth of Christ – Immanuel, God with us

And last week we had the magi from the east bringing gifts

Sure after birth and presents – the natural thing is to baptize a baby isn’t it ???

Let us remember that Jesus was not baptized as a baby – but rather 30 something years pass before he comes to john in the wilderness to be baptized.

This passage is one of the passages we look to when looking at the trinity – all three persons are here – son baptized, spirit as a dove and the voice of the father

What about john? What was he doing there? – preaching a message of repentance.

When jesus came to him he realized that Jesus was THE one who didn’t need to be baptized but that he had to set the example. At that moment we read that God spoke to him.

Today I would like to explore 2 questions

  1. What does it mean to repent?
  2. How does God speak today?

Each Sunday in church we have confession / absolution – what are we doing? – let me show you with this illustration

When God created the world – it says right back at the beginning of the Bible that it was good. – perfect

But sin entered the world because of mans greed – can anybody think of other sins.

Greed, murder, stealing, hatred, envy, lust, alchololism, drugs ….

That is how we look – when we look around our community we see that multiplied – when we turn on the news any night we see the blackness of it all.

It was into this blackness that Jesus came – showing us another way – showing us his example. The need for repentance

The word repentance means turning around. For example if when I was coming here this morning from dundrum and instead of going on the M50 southbound – the way I was meant to go I decided that I just wanted to go home and went Northbound, if at some point I didn’t catch myself on I would end up going completely wrong. I at somepoint need to turn around and come back.

When we come to confess our sins we do say sorry for them but not just a casual sorry but a repentance that means a turning around. That is the symbolism in baptism – dying to sin and rising to life.

Of course we may say that that is too difficult but this needs to affect our lives each and every day- in our offices, at home, at school, when we are with our familes.

On our own this is totally impossible – but not for God. The same God who spoke to his son at his baptism is still speaking to us today.

When we confess our sins god is faithful and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

As Christians, if we really believe this – we are called to action – we are called to share that love with our communities.

That is what repentance is

“The journey that Jesus made from the baptism to the cross, was marked by joy, energy, clarity of focus, friendship, conflict, struggle.

The power that Jesus used to get through the many trials and struggles is available to us. By remembering and learning that we are “Loved by God” and learning to “abide” in God, it is from this place that all daily life has to proceed

To answer the second question as to how does God speak today –

- Through scripture

On your service sheets I have included a letter I found when I was researching this sermon – a scripture filled letter which I think is absolutely amazing and speaks to us today.

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