Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Knowing God ... Week 3 (chapter 2) Before the study group

This Blog entry is written as I read this chapter in preparation for the Group on Wedensday night.

"... for I've known God"

some people do have conversion stories - once they were in darkness and now they are in light ... some dramatically others simply prayed a prayer, others still have grown in faith and cannot remember a time when they never "knew" God.

Knowing God does not make us immune from "disappointments, heartbreaks ...etc" and the world needs to know that Christians are Human beings.

Knowing v's Knowing about

Packer is quite hard on his tradition of the church
"the gaiety, goodness and unfetteredness of spirit which are the marks of those who have known God are rare among us"


One can know a great deal about God without much knowledge of him

This certainly is true in the Academy amongst scholars where they are able to reel of facts. figures, bible verses, debate theologians and other things but where knowlege of him is rare.

one can know a great deal about godliness without much knowledge of God

It is amazing how much information we can have ... especially in this age of the internet, access to books and all the rest. We can listen to sermons, we can read books but none of these help us to know God. Knowing is about relationship

having said these things ... what does someone who knows God look like?

  • Great energy for God
  • Great thoughts of God
  • Great boldness for God
  • Great contentment in God
As I look at these qualities I know I am challenged to ask ... what ways in my life do I have these things and what areas of my life do I lack these?

I do love the quote:
Lord, it belongs not to my care
Wether I die or Live
To love and serve thee is my share,
And this Thy grace must give

If life be long, I will be glad
That I may long obey
If short - then why should I be sad
To soar to endless day?
It is great to know that we can get to know God better and Packer plots the course for this adventure...

  • We must recognise how much we don't know
  • We must seek the Saviour.

This for me is where the excitement is ... where we are able to delve in and find out how wide and deep the love of God actually is.

I do look forward to wednesday evening and find out others views on these things


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