Having spent the summer months this year doing all sorts of things ... from Summer Madness to Sligo from Sligo to Holiday Club from Holiday Club to Holidays in West Cork to meeting friends in Portrush and from Portrush to Ballydehob and then to Blarney- Its been a great summer even though Holidaying in Ireland hasn't been the best weather-wise it's been great otherwise.
Sitting in front of the computer now looking forward ... I'm excited about all the stuff that's coming up in the next 6-12 months in and around Blarney and the parish as well as with various things around the church at large.
Some things that are happening ...
After holiday Club this year we're changing Messy Church in Blarney to have a meal each month a huge challenge in a small kitchen! but a big benefit to Ministry in the church
We're doing some improvements around the church - hedges getting a good haircut!, a new shed and new signage hopefully arriving
We're hoping to have a history and news website for community and tourists to find out more about the church which people will be able to use by scanning our sign!
We're bringing together an all-age team to head to Zambia in Summer 2016 with CMS Ireland
We're really excited about what's happening and our links with our Catholic Church Neighbours
We're hosting this years Community Carol Service
We're going to get thinking about what mission looks like in Blarney in 2016
We're hosting a Mens Alpha Course in October
We've got growth group starting again and continuing to go from strength to strength
We're hosting a New Wine Women's conference in Blarney
We're continuing our prayers for the community group later in September
We're holding a training for Prayer Ministry
We're getting into a new monthly pattern of worship of United Celebration, Service, Messy Church, Service.
We're chatting to other churches and parishes who are thinking about Messy Church in Dublin and the Midlands across the denominations which we're really excited about as a team from Blarney.
Then come the new year ... Messy Church conference in the spring and all sorts of other things including Zambia 2016! in the summer.
One thing is for certain ... it's not dull here in Blarney ... God is opening lots of doors.