Thursday, August 01, 2024

Pictures that speak a thousand words - Leadership

 I have really got out of the way of blogging for many reasons but one is time. And that's not good!

In the summer life should have a different rhythm and it hasn't been the case this year - I am hoping that this is the start of it.  

I'm reflecting on stuff from Facebook that I've saved in a folder for so long but which I havent really know grappled with in any meaningful way - when I looked in the "Saved" items There are things which are really quite important. 

Shared by a friend on facebook - source 

Having spent a bit of time thinking about leadership recently and being reminded about it this afternoon its really important in all of these things. It's really challenging in terms of someone who is entrusted with leadership to reflect upon each of these things. 

Leadership - no matter in which field we're leading in this that we understand the mix of these things. 

Looking around at organisations around the place - and politics and the rest is incedible that in whatever sphere of influence Leadership is fundamentally the same - sports, politics, business, non-profits, church, friendship groups  ... 

It's not telling people what to do.