Monday, November 30, 2009

Advent thoughts #2 - Ministry of Healing ... Celebration

Healing and wholeness is a whole area of ministry which is central to the Gospel and one in which Jesus spends a lot of time on. Over the course of my time in Dublin I did quite a bit of thinking about, through projects and other essays etc.

Tonight I was down in my home parish of Banbridge at the Diocesan Ministry of Healing Celebration where there was testimony of people being healed, where people were prayed for, worship, lighting of candles, prayers of intercession and where Bishop Harold spoke about the wholeness of healing.

As a text he used Psalm 126 a psalm about the Israelites experience of desolation, of captivity, of brokenness.

Psalm 126 (New International Version)

Psalm 126

A song of ascents.
1 When the LORD brought back the captives to a]" style="font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 0.5em; ">[a] Zion,
we were like men who dreamed. b]" style="font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 0.5em; ">[b]

2 Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
"The LORD has done great things for them."

3 The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.

4 Restore our fortunes, c]" style="font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 0.5em; ">[c] O LORD,
like streams in the Negev.

5 Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.

6 He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.

  1. Psalm 126:1 Or LORD restored the fortunes of
  2. Psalm 126:1 Or men restored to health
  3. Psalm 126:4 Or Bring back our captives
We see from this a few things
- God's desire for restoration, his over-arching plan to restore all things
- The reminder that there will be tears
- Incidentally +Harold spoke about the tears (there will be in ministry) over those whom we love who go their own way, those whom we minister to who do pass away, those for whom we pray and their illness continues.
- The reminder that those tears will be turned someday to joy

Concentrating on verse 5 - something which I hadn't really thought about before. There is a choice when we are sowing - we can look at the short term and those who are hungry can eat the seed now or in faith we can bury it in faith that it will produce a harvest sometime down the line. This is the message of the harvest.

Advent thought #2 ... as we prepare for Christmas - for whom do we have tears this day? are we prepared to sow so that sometime in the future we may reap with songs of Joy.

Who do we know that needs God's healing this day? are we prepared to surrender our prayers to God?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Advent Reflections 1

This is the first of a series of brief reflections as we prepare to celebrate the incarnation of Jesus and look forward to God's return at some time.

Tonight the churches in the Belmont Council of churches came together for a service in Knock Methodist. Revd Robin Waugh gave two short reflections. He reminded the congregation that Christmas is all about communication - God communicating with us and Us communicating that message with the world.

One story which he told, and I had heard way back in the distance past but which was really good to be reminded of:

Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish theologian, tells the story of a prince who was running
an errand for his father one day in the local village. As he did so, he passed through a very
poor section of the town. Looking through the window of his carriage, he saw a beautiful
young peasant girl walking along the street. He could not get her off his heart.

He continued to come to the town, day after day, just to see her and to feel as though he was near her. His heart yearned for her, but there was a problem. How could he develop a relationship with her? He could order her to marry him. It was in his power to do so. But he wanted this girl to love him from the heart, willingly. He could put on his royal garments and impress her with his regal entourage, and drive up to her front door with soldiers and a carriage drawn by six horses. But if he did this he would never be certain that the girl loved him or was simply overwhelmed with his power, position and wealth. The prince came up with another solution.

As you may have guessed, he gave up his kingly robe and symbols of power and privilege.
He moved into the village dressed only as a peasant. He lived among the people, shared their
interests and concerns, and talked their language. In time, the young peasant girl grew to
know him, and then to love him.

As we look towards the incarnation this year this seems to be a good place to start.

Happy new year!

Now that we are in the season of advent, its a new liturgical year ... so happy new year.

This morning at St. Columba's we were looking at the importance of preparation. We do go to great lengths to prepare things

... Cleaning
... on holidays we prepare passports, guidebooks suncream
... in our cooking we prepare food by recipe books
... when cycling we make sure we have helmets and hi vis jackets

The question which I posed to myself and the congregation this morning is how are we going to use this season of advent to prepare ourselves for christmas.

beyond the tinsel and food how are we going to prepare for this season?

The Gospel reading reminded us that Jesus has said that he is returning ... are we preparing our hearts and minds for him?

We do all the prep for everything else ... how are we preparing for him?

Over the course of Advent I hope to be able to think about the readings of the day (beginning tomorrow) and put a few thoughts up here on my Blog as I get to grips with God's word in this season of preparation and waiting for Christmas.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Oh Mary, this London's a wonderful sight ...

Over the course of the past few day, this blogger has been off rambling around London seeing lots of sights.

After doing a bit of research I resided at a Christian conference centre in Highbury ... it is a great place, simple and straightforward. It is a 5/10 min walk from the Tube station, one stop from King cross which makes it a very simple process to get into the city centre.

Over the course of the last few days I have been chillin' out, catching up with wee sis, been in Oxford, Slough and Windsor as well as checking out the sights of London Town. Yesterday (sunday morning I went along to Mattins at Westminister abbey - a fantastic choir and a great sermon.

Later in the day made my way around to Holy Trinity Brompton (home of the Alpha Course) for one of their services, the place was packed and Nick Gumbel was preaching on the the gift of faith from Hebrews By faith Moses was able to do what he did.

Unfortately the camera was not packed so no photos this trip but now it is back to porridge ... or cornflakes to be more exact as I head back to Dublin, heading down to Braemor park for an overnight before heading to LAC in the morning.

PS. Just wondering if Ryanair will let this blogger onto the plane with an overweight bag and an umbrella... it would be nice but we'll see ;-)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

W5 Kingdom of God/Heaven

Sermon preached at St. Columba's - 7pm Holy Communion Service - Sunday 15th November 2009. Service included the dedication of the Beatitudes Choir new Carol Books.

The First Reading - Daniel 3 or Daniel 3: 13-30

The Psalm - Psalm 95

The Gospel Reading - Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43

Click here to view the readings

Heavenly father I pray that you would take my lips and speak through
them, take our mind and think through them, take our hearts and set
them on fire with love for you. Through Jesus name we pray Amen


“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which
someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he
has and buys that field.”

The kingdom of heaven is like … this is one of the features of
Matthews account of Jesus’ ministry is that he mentions the kingdom
many many times. Jesus is concerned with bringing in the kingdom reign
of God. Of course this was not the popular perception of how a kingdom
would be brought about.

Those living in the 1st Century knew about kings coming and going –
the Jewish people knew about being conquered. In our Old Testament
reading we see one of those conqueroring kings … Nebuchadnezzer who
threw people into a firey furnace. Was this the type of King Jesus
was? NO!

We know that the kingdom which Jesus came to inaugurate wasn’t a
political conqueroring kingdom to overthrow the roman overlords but
something else. Is it possible to define?

In the Lords prayer we pray … Thy kingdom come

Is that something which we want?, is it something we desire … do we
really know what we mean when we talk about God’s Kingdom.

Down at the Odyssey in Belfast there is an area … W5 which looks at
science and asks 5 Questions

Who, What, Where, When, Why

In a few moments I would like to cover the answers to those questions
about the Kingdom of God/heaven

Who is in the kingdom?
This is one which is easy and difficult at the same time! We are all
called and it is God’s will that each would inheritors of the kingdom.
We are not judge anyone but it up to individual to either accept the
citizenship offer or reject it.

What are the responsibilities of citizens of the Kingdom?

As a citizen of the UK we have certain responsibilities and privileges

Our responsibilities include
• Sticking to the laws of the land
• Paying our taxes

If we do those then we have the privileges of
• Security
• Social care

Within the Kingdom of God we too have Responsibilities
We are to live our lives in accordance with the ethics of the Bible
We are to look out for the poor and the widow
We are to be attentive to what God is doing and do what he tells us to do

We then also have privileges
We are called sons and daughters, friends of God
We have the promise of eternal life

Where is the Kingdom?
With no earthly king, no boarder, no government – where is the kingdom
is an enourmously troubling question … it’s a problem! The Kingdom of
God at the moment is in the hearts and minds of those who are
citizens. Those who are living their lives for God.

The Christian knows that some day the full realization of the kingdom
will be found … that great and awesome day when Jesus will come back
in his full glory.

Which links to the fourth of our five questions

When will the kingdom be established?
At the moment we are living between the establishment and the full
realization of the kingdom… we are longing for the day when death,
illness and all the other consequences of sin are defeated, when Jesus
returns. At the moment the treasure is hidden but it will be found. It
will come.

We both as citizens work for the kingdom to be established but also
wait in expectation that Jesus will come.

There are many warnings in the Gospels that people will come along
claiming that the kingdom is come and that they are the messiah …
devastating consequences result. Wako and other such tragedies. What
we need to do is remember that none of us will know when the full
realization of the kingdom of God will come until it does.

That does not stop us from working as hard as we can for the kingdom,
God’s rule to be established in our families, in our friendship
groups, in our city, in our country.

Why should we be concerned about the kingdom of God?

To be honest, it boils down to priorities. The kingdom is the one
thing that will last. It is the one thing that we know spans from
birth through life and then beyond the grave. There is nothing more

The Kingdom of God as we see from the parables this evening, is a
precious thing that one may simply happen upon accidently, or perhaps
one may undertake a search round lots of different things but it is
the most precious thing.

What we do need to realize is that this is an upside down kingdom, it
is one which provides hope in the midst of despair, it is one which
the first will become last and those who are at the bottom of the heap
will become first, those who recognize themselves as sinners will be
counted as righteous.

Some Questions ...
This is great news but the question raised by this passage is are we
prepared to surrender all that has gone before for the treasure?

Do we understand our role & responsibilities as citizens of the
Kingdom and how we can and should live for him?

Monday, November 09, 2009

A simple Bible Study Method

This is a method of Bible Study I came across a few years ago and re-discovered this morning as I was looking over the texts for next sundays sermons, it is quite a simple structure to use when it comes to looking at any passage.

A light bulb: This should be something that ‘shines’ from the passage—whatever impacts most, or draws attention.

A question mark: Anything that is difficult to understand in the text, or a question the reader would like to ask the writer of the passage or the Lord.

An arrow: A personal application for the reader's life

Sunday, November 08, 2009


Sermon preached at St. Columba's Parish Church, 7pm Compline Service

Gospel Text: John 14


On this remembrance sunday, our minds are drawn to the many memorials in our churches, in towns and cities across our land which list the names of soldiers who left this land to go and fight on foreign shores during the two world wars.
We remembering those who left their loved ones at home to fight for the freedom which we enjoy today.

At this remembrance time we also recall those who have died since the end of the second world war, those servicemen & women as well as Police officers who have been killed whilst serving the community.

The events of the past week show that we are not far removed today – servicemen and women dying in the line of duty.

It is extremely important to remember what has gone on before today,
to learn the lessons of history,
to tell the stories of generations past to the current generation.

I will never forget in second year a group of us went out from the High School in Banbridge to the French Belgium border to the battlefields in Northern France to see where members of some of our families fought and where many perished.

What really struck me was the names of all those who had died on huge monuments ... Mennin Gate and Thiepval Memorial.

Thepival in particular – 70,000 names of men who have no known grave
As I walk round the grave yards there … to see white headstones standing tall many of whom were inscribed with the words … A soldier of the great war or known only unto God

On those monuments there were the Names of people who died … But we cannot, and should never forget that they are not simply names inscribed on stone ... but these were living breathing people who had a whole network of relationships somebody's son, father, husband ...but who died fighting for something, some ideal bigger than themselves.

Each name reminds us of the brutality of war. In this church we have a moument which lists the names of many men who went out and made the ultimate sacrifice.

When it comes to remembrance day, we cannot and should never glorify warfare - it is evil. The whole of the gospel calls us to love our enemy and to do good to those who hate us but we also do need to stand up and fight for what we know is true and right.

How do we make sense of war? can we make sense of war?

Scholars and theologians do try ... with theories such as Just war theory and we can argue round and round about the justification for war & violence.

But this is not what remembrance is about – Remembrance is however about individual's who go and risk their own lives in the service of their country.

I have always been struck by the story of the Christmas Football match in the trenches...

Dec 1914
The truce began when German soldiers started to sing Christmas carols.
British troops responded and gradually both sets of soldiers moved out of their trenches and met in no-man's land.
After exchanging stories and gifts, several games of football broke out.
The only result recorded was a 3-2 victory by the Germans, quoted in soldiers' letters from both sides.
On some parts of the front hostilities were officially resumed on Boxing Day at 0830 - ceremonial pistol shots marking the occasion.
In other areas non-aggressive behaviour lasted for days and, in some cases, weeks.

Whatever armies may have marched … they are always made up of individuals.

But whatever we think of war we always boil things down to the lowest common denominator ... the individual.

Last night I watched the Festival of Remembrance and was struck by the personal testimony of men and women doing their jobs under enemy fire, as well as the widows who were sharing their memories of those who died.

As we turn to our Gospel reading this evening, we remember that throughout the gospels Jesus was concerned with the individual and relating to them.

He spoke to individual disciples in difficult circumstances

Wether it be disciples who were struggling to understand what he was getting at … as we see in tonights gospel reading as Thomas & Philip try to get to the bottom of what Jesus is saying to them, about his death and about what will happen afterwards.

Jesus also was not afraid to speak to, and challenge those those who were intent on killing him,
He met individuals in their time of grief - think of Mary & Martha.

The reading from the Gospel tonight is a very familiar passage - it is one which we use at many funeral services here in St. Columba's ,
it is one which speaks of hope, of reassurance, of peace and of relationship.

Our world today is a very confusing place ... the amount of violence evident on all our news bullitens - Just this week
- The threat from Dissident Republicans was highlighted
- The shootings in Afganistan of those who were trying to train the police force by a member of the police force
- The shootings in America

Then daily, people here in Northern Ireland as well as across the globe are dying from unnessary things - people we know who have died from curable and incurable diseases.

Whilst we do remember this day those who have died in the wars, those we know and those of whom we only have heard about ... let us remind ourselves that we are here

worshiping God the creator,
worshiping God the redeemer
worshiping the one who sustains us and who promises us his peace.

But above all let us remind ourselves of the eternal perspective he has. That we are indeed people who have an eternal hope.

Yes we are called to live for him,
to do what we are called to do
and ultimately to trust his love.

We have been given a tremendous promise in this passage of Johns Gospel, that we have access to the father, that we have an advocate, that we are not to be afraid That God is in control.

On this remembrance day, in the stillness of this place let us take a few moments to pray for those situations on our minds which are confusing, which are disturbing us.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


Well there you go then, I have managed to survive commencement, It actually was a good day catching up with a good crowd of us deacons as well as family and friends there to support us.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Trinity Commencements ... the latin!

One of the things that has been pointed out to us as clergy, is that we need to ensure what we do can be understood by all those participating in what we are leading.

On thursday our year group are graduating from Trinity College Dublin. Whilst I am looking forward to meeting up with fellow curates, the ceremony itself seems a bit bizarre.

After doing a bit of research on the Trinity website this evening I have managed to find the core of the commencement ceremony... and as you can see it is all in latin... interesting ... considering very few of us or our families know the language... but there ya go!

The other thing is that it doesn't actually appear on-line except in a pdf buried in the back of beyond, it would really help if an english translation would be given online, but we shall see what happens on Thursday... picts to follow.

Regulations prescribing the procedure to be followed at the Public Commencements, the order

to be observed, and the formulae to be used in the conferring of Degrees and Diplomas.

(1) The Chancellor shall announce the opening of the Comitia in the following words:
"Salvete senatores omnes, Domini Doctores, Domini Magistri; salvete candidati seniores
iunioresque; salvete hospites undique hic benignissime congregati. Comitia fiant in nomine Dei.

(2) At the First Public Commencements of the Academic Year the Senior Master Non-Regent
shall be elected on the proposition of the Chancellor and the Provost. The Senior and Junior
Proctors and the Registrar shall make the Declaration which is appropriate to their respective

(3) The Registrar shall read the minutes of the last meeting, which when confirmed by the
Senate shall be signed by the Chancellor.

(4) After each supplication made as provided in (5) and (6), if found necessary, the
Chancellor shall call for a special scrutiny, and shall announce the same, using the following
"Accedant Doctores et Magistri, et quisque votum suum simpliciter et absolute inscribat."
The Proctors shall then call the Doctors and Masters, and each shall give his vote according to
ancient usage; the Caput and the Proctors shall then examine the votes, and the result shall then be declared by the Senior Proctor in the usual form.

(5) The Junior Proctor shall supplicate for the Degree of Bachelor in Arts using the following
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, totaque Universitas, supplicant reverentiis vestris ei, qui in his
chartis quae in manibus nostris sunt nominantur, ut his Comitiis ad gradum super nomina
designatum admittantur. Ego fide mea testor ac spondeo toti academiae unumquemque
candidatorum his chartis nominatum omnia exercitia ad gradum ad quem unumquisque adspirat pertinentia pro legibus academicis rite complevisse.'

The Junior Proctor shall read the title and names of all candidates for the Degree of Bachelor
in Arts, in persona and in absentia.
The Chief Steward shall call for the vote of the Senate with the words:
"Ad scrutinium".
The Chancellor shall put the supplication to the Senate, saying:
'Placetne vobis, Domini Doctores?'
'Placetne vobis, Domini Magistri?'
He shall announce the consent of the Senate with the words:
'Placet omnibus.'

(6) The Senior Proctor shall supplicate for the other Ordinary Degrees, using the following
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, totaque Universitas, supplicant reverentiis vestris ei, qui in his
chartis quae in manibus nostris sunt nominantur, ut his Comitiis ad gradum super nomina
designatum admittantur. Ego fide mea testor ac spondeo toti academiae unumquemque
candidatorum his chartis nominatum omnia exercitia ad gradum ad quem unumquisque adspirat
pertinentia pro legibus academicis rite complevisse.'

The Chief Steward shall call for the vote of the Senate with the words: ‘Ad scrutinium’.

The Chancellor shall put the supplication to the Senate, saying:
'Placetne vobis, Domini Doctores?', 'Placetne vobis, Domini Magistri?'
He shall announce the consent of the Senate with the words: 'Placet omnibus.'

(7) The Senior lecturer shall introduce the Moderators (who are Gold Medallists) to the
Chancellor, using the following formula:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, praesento tibi hosce iuvenes egregios aureis numismatis et
chartis honorariis eo donandos quod in studiis academicis praeclara tam ingenii quam industriae
indicia dederunt. Ideoque ut haec laudis insignia quam plurimum impertiant honoris te,
Domine, qua par est observantia obsecro ut ea ipsorum in manus tradere digneris.'
The Junior Proctor shall present them for their Degrees, using the following formula:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, totaque Universitas, praesento vobis hosce meos filios, tam
doctrina quam moribus habiles et idoneos ut admittantur ad gradum Baccalaureatus in Artibus.'

(8) The Chancellor shall present the Moderators with their medals and certificates, using the
following formula:
'Gratum munus mihi demandatum est ut vobis in manus tradam haec numismata et has chartas
honorarias accipite illa ergo, egregii iuvenes, honorifica quidem in praesenti, ominis vero fausti
felicisque in futurum.'
The Chancellor shall admit the Moderators, saying: 'Ego auctoritate mihi concessa admitto
vos ad respondendum quaestioni in Artibus.'

(9) The Senior Lecturer shall introduce the other Moderators, using the following formula:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, praesento tibi hosce iuvenes egregios chartis honorariis eo
donandos quod in studiis academicis praeclara tam ingenii quam industriae indicia dederunt.
Ideoque ut haec laudis insignia quam plurimum impertiant honoris te, Domine, qua par est
observantia obsecro ut ea ipsorum in manus tradere digneris'.
The Junior Proctor shall present them for their Degrees with the words:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, totaque Universitas, praesento vobis hosce meos filios, tam
doctrina quam moribus habiles et idoneos ut admittantur ad gradum Baccalaureatus in Artibus.'
The Chancellor shall present the certificates, saying:
'Gratum munus mihi demandatum est ut vobis in manus tradam has chartas honorarias;
accipite illas ergo, egregii iuvenes, honorificas quidem in praesenti, ominis vero fausti
felicisque in futurum.'

The Chancellor shall admit the Moderators, saying: 'Ego auctoritate mihi concessa admitto
vos ad respondendum quaestioni in Artibus.'

(10) The Senior Lecturer shall introduce the Respondents to the Chancellor, using the
following formula:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, praesento tibi hosce iuvenes bene meritos, chartis honorariis eo
donandos quod studiis acdemicis rite completis inter Respondentes relati sunt.'
The Junior Proctor shall present them for their Degres with the words:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, totaque Universitas, praesento vobis hosce meos filios, tam
doctrina quam moribus habiles et idoneos ut admittantur ad gradum Baccalaureatus in Artibus.'

(11) The Chancellor shall present the Respondents with their Certificates, using the following
'Vobis, ingenui iuvenes, has chartas honorarias, quibus digni iudicati estis libens in manus
The Chancellor shall admit them, saying: 'Ego auctoritate mihi concessa admitto vos ad
respondendum quaestioni in Artibus.'
Moderators and Respondents shall be presented for and admitted to their Degrees at the same
time as they are presented with their special certificates.

(12) The candidates for the several Ordinary Degrees shall be presented to and admitted by
the Chancellor in an order the reverse of that in which the said Degrees are named in Chapter
XVIII, 1 (4), the following formulae of presentation and admission, mutatis mutandis, being
Candidates with honors in professional subjects shall be introduced and presented by the
appropriate Professor, using the following formula:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, praesento tibi hosce juvenes bene meritos, chartis honorariis eo
donandos quod studiis acdemicis rite completis inter Insigniores relati sunt et praesento vobis
hosce meos filios, tam doctrina quam moribus habiles et idoneos ut admittantur ad gradum*
The Chancellor shall hand them their certificates, saying:
'Vobis, ingenui juvenes, has chartas honorarias, quibus digni iudicati estis, libens in manus
The Chancellor shall admit them, saying: 'Ego auctoritate mihi concessa admitto vos ad
respondendum quaestioni vel incipiendum in* ...................'

(13) Other candidates shall be presented by the appropriate Professor (or Proctor), using the
following formula:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, totaque Universitas, praesento vobis hosce meos filios, tam
doctrina quam moribus habiles et idoneos ut admittantur ad gradum* .....................'
The Chancellor shall admit them, saying: 'Ego auctoritate mihi concessa, libens in manus
trado has chartas, et admitto vos ad respondendum quaestioni [vel incipiendum], in*

(14) The candidates for Degree honoris causa shall be individually presented to the
Chancellor by the Public Orator, following the same order as that prescribed in paragraph (13)
of these Regulations for the corresponding Ordinary Degrees.
The formula of presentation for Degrees jure dignitatis is as follows:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, totaque Universitas, praesento vobis virum egregium,
Praehonorabilem (Honorabilem, Recte Reverendum,), ' apud nos antea graduatum, quem jure
dignitatis quam praeclaris suis meritis adsecutus est, gradu Doctoratus in Utroque Jure (vel
Sancta Theologia) ornari par esse censuit Senatus.'

(15) The Chancellor shall admit the candidates for Degrees honoris causa and jure dignitatis
individually as they are presented, and when admitting such candidates shall use the formula:
'Gratulamur tibi, illustrissime, quem summam amplitudinem summam claritatem meritas
consecutum nostra laurea academica ornare laetamur. Ego auctoritate mihi concessa admitto te
ad gradum Doctoratus in ...........'

(16) The Senior Proctor shall commend the candidates for Degrees in absentia in the
following words:
'Praehonorabilis Cancellarie, totaque Universitas, commendo vobis filios meos degentes
peregre quorum nomina recitata sunt supplicationesque placuerunt quos scio tam moribus quam
doctrina habiles et idoneos esse ut ad gradus quos petunt admittantur.'
The Chancellor shall admit the absent candidates with the words: 'Ego auctoritate mihi
concessa admitto candidatos degentes peregre quorum nomina recitata supplicationesque
placuerunt prout quisque meruit ad respondendum quaestioni in* ...................... et ad
incipiendum in* .....................*'

(17) In case of suspension, or the removal of suspension, the following formulae shall be
Formula suspensionis
'Ego, Cancellarius huius Academiae, auctoritate mihi comissa, suspendo N.N. ab omni gradu
suscepto vel suscipiendo'.
Formula absolutionis
'Ego, Cancellarius huius Academiae, auctoritate mihi commissa, absolvo te ab omni leviore
negligentia, et a suspensione nuper illata.'

(18) .At the conclusion of the business, the Chancellor shall announce the closing of the
meeting with the words:
'Valete senatores, non diutius vos morabimur; valete candidati novis honoribus decorati; valete
et vos, hospites acceptissimi. Comitia solvantur in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.'

* Here insert the name of Degree

The Church and Information Communication Technologies

The church has been at the cutting edge of technologies as they have developed. The printing press etc etc. Whilst at University I was involved in discussions & training with Bible Translators in the use of new technology to standardise bible production in new & established languages.

As the world wide web becomes more and more mobile - through the use of mobile devices, as individuals get together on-line, as more and more of education becomes e-learning the possibilities for ministry & building community beyond the bounds of parish become possible.

The community inside & outside the church is internet savvy, people can speak the lingo of facebook, rss, twitter ... the list is infinite.

How we do communicate is so important. None of this of course overthrows face to face pastoral contact but we do need to speak into culture & that culture is one of connectedness & networks.

Yes we do have parish websites which are improving all the time ... but one wonders if there are people who are looking into where communication could go in the future of the church and if there are examples of good/best practice when it comes to communicating online with parishioners/ young people?

So for anyone reading this ... are there examples?, anyone want to share? any problems?

From somebody who is computer literate but would like to develop things further.

Monday, November 02, 2009


One of the activities I am growing to enjoy at St. Columba's is the Bowling Club on a Monday evening. Apparently, somehow I am now vice-president of it ... not sure how that happened but it is good to be out and about with the Men. We have just returned from St. Donard's where we managed a convincing win 51-25 I think was the final score.

Thankfully, stragetically they placed me as first on the mat each time which is a good tactic! not knowing really what I am doing at the moment. The craic around bowls matches is good and fellowship & conversations are good. Getting to know people and build up relationships socially within the parish is an important part of what ministry is about. Next week the team is over in Stormont Presbyterian - Looking forward to that :-)

Sunday, November 01, 2009

All Saints Day ... Perseverance & Joy

A Sermon Preach in St. Columba's Knock on Sunday 1st November 2009 at 7pm Choral Evensong. Readings from Isaiah 40 & Hebrews 11/12


With all the advertising, fireworks,trick-or-treaters away, pumpkins all eaten we are here to celebrate All Saints, a day in the churches calendar when we remember all those who have gone before, those whose lives are examples to us on how to live out Christian life, those who have denied themselves and followed the Word of God.

If we were to name Saints we might get be able to rhyme of some names, however we must realise that they were / are normal everyday people who live lives that are devoted to God and his purposes. They are people who had a Normal up-bringing but were called to do some extraordinary things. They probably did not see themselves as anything but normal during their lifetime. They had our weaknesses, they had the same Bible as we have, they knew what we know about church, about Jesus.

We do have in Scripture many examples of people who were able to live out their faith in difficult situations. Hebrews 11, the last part of which we heard this evening lists lots of people who did and experienced extraordinary things for God- Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Moses and then the passing references to the others from the Old Testament.

Chapter 12 begins with the words … THEREFORE, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.

We have these heroes of the faith, these people who have their story told, these people who have lived their lives in the power of God. We need to learn about them, read their story, we need to figure out what they had, what truths we can learn from them. This is where Bible study, prayer and teaching comes in.

The image used here by the writer of the Hebrews is a stadium with all the Heroes of the faith in the audience, they have ran their race but they are spurring us on, they are saying come on helen, keep 'er lit peter – I've got through that … you can do it too. It is an active picture we are called not to be an observer but a runner in the race and as a runner we got to know various things.

Firstly we need to strip off excess stuff – if I was running in a race, chances are I probably wouldn't wear layers and layers of clothing like I a wearing now – I would be down to shorts and a teeshirt

An alternative reading of the first verse of chapter 12 … Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily distracts. We are called to strip of the weight that holds us back, sin distracts us from keeping on going. We do need to identify those things that are slowing us down, those things that we keep doing or saying that distract us from running to our full potential.

Then we need to set our focus on where we are heading. We need to fix our eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. How do we do that if we can't see Him physically? Well what we do need to do is to focus our minds on him – his word, his deeds what he is doing in the world today. He still guides, he is still ahead of us.

There is one word in this passage which seems to be misplaced … take a look at it … who for the Joy set before him endured the cross. He endured the cross for the Joy that was set before him … why would anyone endure the cross for Joy … death for Joy? It doesn't seem right does it. Over the last few weeks I have been thinking quite a bit it my own reading about the Joy … Joy in my own life and ministry, the joy that we are all called as Christians to have.

So often Christians are portrayed by the media and critics as extremely dull,
serious people who cannot have any fun or joy in their life ... Kill-joys maybe. They have to read dull dusty books. We are not stereo-typical people we are called to be the most joyous people. We are called to be people who are following Jesus, yes, we are called to be joyful, we are called to enjoy life. Someone once said

"We are called to be joyfully serious and also seriously joyful."

Our Old Testament reading testifies that things will not always go right, actually things can go terribly wrong sometimes, if you look at the context into which the prophet Isaiah was writing things were going terribly wrong for the israelite nation. Things were terribly wrong. But we can have hope, we can find our joy even in the most difficult of circumstances … why?, how?

Simply by remembering that God is in control. If we look at the the gospel of Luke, we read after the 72 who were sent out to do all kinds of things they come back full of Joy that they were able to see people healed, people set free but Jesus reminds them that their Joy comes not from what they have done but because their names are written in Heaven.

As disciples, as followers of Jesus we are called to be joyful, we are called to root that joy, not in earthly pleasures, not in the latest BMW whose latest adverts tell us Joy is what you make it and then goes on to tell us that Joy is the new BMW X1 …

Well actually NO! BMW's may well be nice cars but actually Christians have JOY … why because our names are written in heaven … that is the root of our Joy. We do not have to settle for man made things which may well bring pleasure for a little while … If we anchor ourselves on the word of God then it is It is possible to find the Joy, the strength which God supplies will be sufficent for us wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

We are In a race, those who have gone before are spurring us on, we need to keep going, we are called to turn to God, to strip off the sin and the other stuff weighing us down and run the race.

It is not a sprint, it is a marathon. But above all, we need to remember the source of Joy, that with Jesus as our Guide, and him directing us, eternity is sorted and we can get on living, daily coming before him in prayer and Bible study as our trainning regime. We can keep going together, yes we will stumble and fall but if we wait upon God he will renew our strength.